HELLO wildkats, this week was so stale.. and I am a little frustrated. I managed to finish 80% of the instructions for the CNC Milling Machine, and I might need to get 10000 more books to finish the entire instructional guide. :( I am left with the execution of the machine - AND IT IS TIME FOR SOME SWEET ACTION!!!!
This book will be my bedtime story book for the next 17 weeks!! ;') There were lots of precaution that I have to take note of as one tiny mistake could lead to a grave accident. And therefore, I have to re-read to double check if my instructions was clear enough for the end user to comprehend.
As we were unable detect the machine's control panel, we decided to make it 2D instead & animations would be done with After Effects - Somehow when we import from Creo to Vuforia it doesn't show the animation. There is also another minor issue we have encountered - the orientation of the tablet that we have yet to solve...
To end this of, I'll update you about how our FIRST presentation went. Overall, Mr David was satisfied with our slides but there is still a big room for improvement. I was flabbergasted on his feedback as there were so many important points to take note of - font size, consistent background, colors, etc. And hence, we would be having our improved presentation on Wednesday, 9th October 2018 to our Co Supervisor, Ms Wong Kwee Yin. Hopefully, it would meet their expectations! *fingers crossed*
See you next week! :D