Heyyo everyone!!!
So sorry for the late updates again. This week has been quite a chill week for us considering we just finished our mid-review presentation last week. Currently, we're around 75% done with our project and not much is left until we complete our MDP.
Although with that being said, this week was still a productive one, nonetheless. If you've been keeping up with last week's blog post, then you'd probably know that we've been working hard on preparing our booth for the SP Engineering Show 2019.
I've been really looking forward to the Engineering Show for the past couple of weeks as it'll probably be my first and only time taking part in such a big school event cause I'm graduating this year.
Throughout the period of the Engineering Show which lasted for 2 days, my group and I were given the opportunity to showcase our project to members of the public, SP students and even to industry leaders. While we were presenting our project and showcasing a short demonstration of DEVIANT, we managed to gather some useful and constructive feedback on ways we could improve DEVIANT in the future.
At first, I was quite hesitant on presenting our project in front of large crowds due to me being introverted. However, after seeing my other group members presenting with such enthusiasm and friendliness, I decided to give it a shot and tried presenting when the incoming crowds are smaller.
All in all, I’m glad that we decided to take the chance to take part in SP Engineering Show 2019 and we have no regrets whatsoever.
With that, I’ll see you guys in my next blog post.
- Khai.