Happy Friday you guys! The end is near but we have some things left to do before we officially end this project.
Here's a list of things we have yet to finish:
1. MDP Poster
2. Report Update
3. Blog Posts
This week we mainly focused on finalising our report and we began creating our MDP poster. Originally, we were given a template to follow but... we didnt really like the template. Hence we opted to recreate our poster that suits our theme and vibe.
We started out creating this on Adobe Illustrator CC and then printed it on an A1 glossy sticker paper. We went through a couple of iterations to make it perfect.
Do take note, the schools' logo CANNOT be modifed. It was a genuine mistake that we overlooked and we hope you don't make the same mistakes we did! Additionally, try not to make the background dark, unless Walter and Henry allows :P
We've created different versions so try not to create the same mistakes we did!
All the best & See you soon!