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Final Finale

Writer's picture: Ashley Ashley

Hi guys!

As you recalled, last week I told yall about the poster that I have designed for our Poster Session on 8th of February 2019 - AND THAT IS NEXT WEEK OMG

Unfortunately, I was unable to print the poster in black. Hence, I had to tweak it such as I am using a white background instead. And another reason to not use the black background anymore is that the Singapore Polytechnic's logo has black text, and I am unable to edit the logo due to trademark issues. Consequently, I scrap the idea of using any colored background.

Here, this is the final iteration of the poser - approved and finalized by supervisors heheehe

So what do you guys think? I honestly preferred the first iteration with the black background better, as it has more contrast and suits our project theme colors better! Do you guys remember our splash screen?

hehehe omg memories ;')

With the poster ready, we begin to rehearse and prepare for our event. We are hoping to hit every point when demostrating our project to our panelist!

We left with final touches with the Cut Now section of DEVIANT, and I am confident that we will complete it before next week.

As of the recommendations - Our group had many ideas to propose for the future teams.

With that, I will keep you guys updated on the Poster Session next week. As yall know, next week will be the last of our blog. We hope you have an enjoyable journey with us! Do support us if you are free! The venue of the event will be in Singapore Polytechnic, T1443, @ 2 PM - 5 PM.

I hope to see you then!


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