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Presentation Day

Writer's picture: Ashley Ashley

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

Hi GUYs!

Last Tuesday was our Mid-Review Presentation, and I was extremely nervous. I could feel my heart beating rapidly, moments before our presentation starts.

Okay, let's talk about what we did on Monday;

We imported the demo video we created into our slides, and also check the animations/transitions and content as well.

Here are the gif and layout of our final slides :-)

After confirming everything is PERFECT, we then rehearse and timed ourselves to check if we overshot 20 minutes - and yes WE DID..... :-(

We then had to trim the demo video from 7 minutes to 2 minutes! With that, our presentation lasted precisely 20 minutes - NOT including the live demo. We just hoped and prayed the panelist would not be THAT strict about the time! - and YES, they weren't that strict after all.

Overall, our presentation on Tuesday, 8 January 2019 went better than expected! Our supervisor, Mr. David was super impressed and extremely proud of us, and that made all of us feel that all of our HARD work pulled off.

As of the Q&A section, the questions our panelists asked was:

1. Elaborate more about the Experiment that you conducted.

  • This experiment was conducted to find out was file format(.ipt or .fbx) was better/reliable for the Model Target: Detection of Tools.

  • And also finding out which device is the most ideal and suitable for our DEVIANT application.

  • fbx was most reliable and better for Model Target tracking.

  • iPad was most suited for use as the detection rate was reasonable and it consists of the Spatial Target tracking which the others lack.

2. Would the DEVIANT application be better if there is feedback? Because currently, for example, if the user scans the wrong tool - the app doesn't let the user know that it is the wrong tool!

  • Yes, but due to the limited time we have. We are not able to implement IoT into our application. But we hope the future FYP/MDP students, might be continuing our project would perform such functions into the app. We will be adding this as part of our recommendation in our final report!

We also used Mirroring360 to show our live demo during the presentation! It was seamless, and I strongly recommend you to try it if you are looking for a software to showcase your app! The pricing is as follows:

But we did not purchase it, as there is a one-week free trial for you to try! :-)

There was a big sigh of relief once the presentation was over! Unfortunately, it did not last long as we needed to plan and prepare for our Engineering Show! - 17 & 18 January 2019

There was a schedule fixed for each of us so that we could take shifts! The logistics, table layout and script were also pre-planned to avoid any problems arise during Engineering Show.

We also added the name: "TOP SIDE OF CASTOR BASE" and the THINGMARK onto the workstation hehe

Next week we will be busy with the Engineering Show, but we will update you on how it went alright!

Thanks for reading, and I will see you next week! :D


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